How nice would it be if your feline family member would let you open her mouth and brush her teeth every day? As if. Brushing your cat’s teeth daily may be the best way to avoid cat dental disease, but for some cats, it’s not a realistic goal. 

Dental Care for Cats

As a cats-only veterinary practice, the team at All Cats Care Center understands this better than most. That’s why we want to share 5 tips to help you brush your cat’s teeth and show you how to keep a cat’s teeth clean without brushing. A daily dental regimen will help you and your kitty avoid dealing with cat dental disease, which can lead to mouth pain, tooth loss, and even organ damage if it isn’t treated.

5 Steps to Provide Proper Dental Care for Your Cat

1. Brush Your Cat’s Teeth

The best time to start brushing Fluffy’s teeth is in kittenhood. Developing this routine early increases the likelihood that your cat will actually let you brush his teeth as an adult. That said, there’s still hope if your cat is past the baby stage.

You’ll need a few things to get started: 

  • Cotton swabs
  • Juice from a tuna can
  • A cat toothbrush—one for each feline in your household
  • Cat-friendly toothpaste 

In a quiet, calm place, dip a cotton swab in juice from the tuna can, gently lift your cat’s lips, and rub the swab on your cat’s teeth. Do this every day for a week or two—or until your kitty seems ready for the next step. 

Once she’s used to getting her teeth swabbed, smear a delicious tuna or chicken-flavored cat toothpaste on a soft pet toothbrush. Carefully brush your kitty’s gums and teeth. Repeat at least three times a week to help prevent cat dental disease. 

2. Change Your Cat’s Diet

If the whole tooth-brushing thing just isn’t happening, a veterinarian can prescribe cat food designed to take care of feline dental health. At All Cats Care Center, we can help you keep your cat’s teeth clean without brushing by prescribing a Veterinary Oral Health Council (VOHC)-approved food like Hill’s Prescription Diet t/d Dental Care.

3. Put Additives in the Water Bowl

A VOHC-approved water additive like the Healthymouth™ for Cats can help prevent plaque buildup. Water additives can alter the flavor of water, but the good news is that Healthymouth offers a 100% palatability guarantee. They’re that sure that your feline companion will love it. 

4. Try a Topical Gel, Powder, or Spray

Sometimes, the only way you’ll get cleaner teeth for your cat is by using a spray, gel, or powder that’s quick and easy to apply. The VOHC has approved three products to help control plaque and prevent dental disease in cats: 

These quick solutions help you keep your cat’s teeth clean without brushing.

5. Schedule a Professional Cleaning

Just like humans, cats benefit from an annual dental care appointment. At All Cats Care Center, we’ll take excellent care of your cat’s mouth during Kitty’s yearly dental appointment. 

If your cat has periodontal disease, he or she may need treatment. Request an appointment online to create an action plan for your cat’s dental care and learn more about cat periodontal disease treatment costs. We look forward to helping your feline friend enjoy excellent oral health!